Friday, October 29, 2010

More iRes Updates

Well, here is the current 'Emilee's Slaughter House' screen. The menu is temporary and will be different in the final version. Only a few things need to be done to complete this screen.

Inside Emilee's Slaughter House! Still a lot of work to do in order to complete it. Need to make it look more like a former slaughter house. It was converted to a lab by a animal rights organization (no one would suspect them to use a slaughter house) so they could create a chemical that turns everyone into vegetarians. The chemical backfired and created creatures that crave meat products!

Here is the new generic zombie head. I still have to work on the body, and I may give him teeth. Not completely sure about that. Drool/green liquid might come out of his mouth.

Well, that's my update... still lots to do! More screens to create and so much to do to finish the ones already in existence. I have to finish the generic zombie, then make my character and, if there's time, I'm going to create Zombie Matt from the music store. The preloader has been planned but still needs created. In the end I think this project will look pretty good... I'll probably be tired of it by the time we present them though. Blech.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

iRes Updates

Realized that I had been working on it in the wrong aspect ratio so I had to scale it up to the correct size. I had some boards at the bottom where the navigation is but I took them out until I can figure out how I want to place them. I added fog and a sign and extended the screen a little. Fitzer told us to make a link so my 'Portfolio' text at the bottom of the screen gets a splash of green slime behind it (similar to my name at the top). If you click it the green gets a little darker. Lots of work to do, but it's coming along nicely. I just want more time to work on it. I'm not ready to start making links, I still need to work on characters and other environments. Too much needs to be done at this point, even with the above page, to start working on other things.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

iRes - Anti-zombie sign concept

I got inspired and decided it may look nice as a cautionary sign in my iRes. It could add to the overall feeling of the project... I'll put it in somewhere and see if I still like it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

iRes work

Well, this is what I've been working on for the past couple of days. Haven't really posted much progress, but there is some animation. The clouds move and the light on the builidng flickers. I have a lot more to do on it, but it's coming along, slowly but surely. I think I'm going to redo the zombie... I want to change his style a little to match the environment better.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Nearly complete...
Did more sketching too.

2011 BPA Pin (complete?)

May need some more work...
Just for fun: Business Professionals of Russia! :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

iRes - Planning

Any good project needs lots of planning.
Characters, locations and stroyboarding all need to take place.

Professional dress

Prepped for Friday's boring meeting...
(and fun lunch outing afterwards :D)