Friday, November 12, 2010

Summary Text

Ever since I can remember I've loved to create art. I am an artist, it's what I am and what I will continue to be. My career will not be my job, my career will by my passion. I love to communicate ideas and visions through my work. While working with design it doesn't feel like a chore, to me it feels like a privilege.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zombie Redux Update

I'm definitely making some progress with the new version of the zombie. He fits the style of the environments a lot better.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

More iRes Updates

Well, here is the current 'Emilee's Slaughter House' screen. The menu is temporary and will be different in the final version. Only a few things need to be done to complete this screen.

Inside Emilee's Slaughter House! Still a lot of work to do in order to complete it. Need to make it look more like a former slaughter house. It was converted to a lab by a animal rights organization (no one would suspect them to use a slaughter house) so they could create a chemical that turns everyone into vegetarians. The chemical backfired and created creatures that crave meat products!

Here is the new generic zombie head. I still have to work on the body, and I may give him teeth. Not completely sure about that. Drool/green liquid might come out of his mouth.

Well, that's my update... still lots to do! More screens to create and so much to do to finish the ones already in existence. I have to finish the generic zombie, then make my character and, if there's time, I'm going to create Zombie Matt from the music store. The preloader has been planned but still needs created. In the end I think this project will look pretty good... I'll probably be tired of it by the time we present them though. Blech.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

iRes Updates

Realized that I had been working on it in the wrong aspect ratio so I had to scale it up to the correct size. I had some boards at the bottom where the navigation is but I took them out until I can figure out how I want to place them. I added fog and a sign and extended the screen a little. Fitzer told us to make a link so my 'Portfolio' text at the bottom of the screen gets a splash of green slime behind it (similar to my name at the top). If you click it the green gets a little darker. Lots of work to do, but it's coming along nicely. I just want more time to work on it. I'm not ready to start making links, I still need to work on characters and other environments. Too much needs to be done at this point, even with the above page, to start working on other things.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

iRes - Anti-zombie sign concept

I got inspired and decided it may look nice as a cautionary sign in my iRes. It could add to the overall feeling of the project... I'll put it in somewhere and see if I still like it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

iRes work

Well, this is what I've been working on for the past couple of days. Haven't really posted much progress, but there is some animation. The clouds move and the light on the builidng flickers. I have a lot more to do on it, but it's coming along, slowly but surely. I think I'm going to redo the zombie... I want to change his style a little to match the environment better.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Nearly complete...
Did more sketching too.

2011 BPA Pin (complete?)

May need some more work...
Just for fun: Business Professionals of Russia! :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

iRes - Planning

Any good project needs lots of planning.
Characters, locations and stroyboarding all need to take place.

Professional dress

Prepped for Friday's boring meeting...
(and fun lunch outing afterwards :D)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chess Set Update

Finished everything but the knight.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Turning stuff in... again.

Alien Mobster. (Mob? What mob?)

Funky shapes. (This thing annoyed me)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Goals for the year

1) I want to create an AWESOME portfolio. I really want to get into CCAD for free... that would help so much. People are saying I have the potential and I'd like to believe them. :D
The 3DS chess set will be a welcome addition to the portfolio. I want it to be as well-rounded as possible. 3D, logos, websites, t-shirts, animation, photography, and video are all aspects that I would love to include. If they know I'm versatile I feel they'll be more willing to give me a full ride.

2) I would like to get to nationals this year in BPA. I assume I'll have to do video production and that's definitely alright with me but I have to see the prompt before I commit.

3) My interactive resume had better be awesome. Just because. I have a few simple ideas reguarding the resume but nothing concrete.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Look at my crappy shack in the woods! :D

Monday, May 17, 2010

My first digital painting! :D

I was bored and my girlfriend was at work, so I decided to make an attempt at painting myself in a Muse-like digital painting. Success?


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Independent Study

1. How to make a watercolor-type design in photoshop
2. I'll be perfecting each aspect of the design and making it look professional. I may also put it on bilboards etc using Photoshop.
3. I will learn to use different techniques in photoshop.
5. I'll recreate a part of it in front of them to show the general idea.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


1. Do all of the site links work?

2. Do all of the images load correctly.

3. Does the page load from a jump drive on a different computer?

4. What do you like about the page?

It's simple and easy to navigate.

5. What could use improvement?
There's a space on the index page that needs fixed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What I did today

Designed some of my portfolio site layout. It's still incomplete, but here's a screen cap:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Portfolio Site Examples

The good:

Artist Statement

Here's an example of an Artist Statement:

Kathleen BitettiArtist Statement
Since the early 1990s, my work has involved the creation of conceptually based sociopolitical objects and installations. In my work, I deconstruct the American dream, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and lullabies that are part of our childhood and adult culture. My work also addresses gender roles/gender assignment, the fragility of family dynamics, domestic violence and the underlying threads of violence and danger that underpin American society. These themes are often combined with the metaphors commonly used by those in battering relationships into installations that feature mundane domestic objects, painted pure white and embellished with stenciled text. The color white establishes a dream-like surreal quality, suggests notions of purity and safety, and formally unifies the disparate objects in each installation. The texts provide clues to content and interpretation. My "conceptual sculpture weds minimal form with maximal content". (Shawn Hill, "BayWindows" Nov. 14 96 p27).
The two works, both Untitled 1991, are examples of my earlier work that addressed the overlooked issues of class in American society. Those who are in the lower classes are usually the ones who are "watched like goldfish" and must depend on others for their very survival. The monopoly game pieces are also very important clues to understanding the various facets of our so called classless society.
The piece entitled, Porter Crib 1997, is from a series of 10 beds entitled, "Weary Heads". I began the series in late 1994. These life size beds are beautiful objects, but they are also very dangerous. These works transform an object, that usually provides comfort, into one that has nightmare qualities and is incapable of providing comfort. Stenciled text/language is a prominent element in my "Weary Heads" bed series. The Porter Crib text is taken from a "Christianized" Celtic/Pagan childhood prayer. The prayer is stenciled on tracing paper, thus making it impossible for any infant to lie in the crib with out falling through on to the floor. Children are also at the mercy of others. Presently, I am working on completing two more of the beds in the series. I hope to show all 10 beds in a gallery setting in the future.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What I did today... again.

Worked more on the ground zero image, this time in photoshop. It was getting comments calling it "cartoony" and I agreed, so I decided to make it more realistic. I'm not going to make the image move like originally intended, but I still want to add MarQuan in via greenscreen.

HTML Questions:

Q. What is HTML, and what is it used for?
A. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used to code/create websites.

Q. Give 5 examples of html tags, how are they formated.
<*img src="" />
<*tr width="640">
<*img alt="Blah blah blah" src="" border="0" />
<*p>Text here.<*/p>
<*title>titlehere <*/title>

Q. Give an example of how tags are opened and closed.
A. <*title>titletitletitle<*/title>

Q. Describe parent and child elements.
A. Parent elements contain other elements. Child Elements are contained within the parent elements.

Ignore all "*"s.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What I did today.

Worked on a 3D ground zero for the BPA video.

I intend to put Marquan in via green screen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010